So, what is Trico® deer repellent?
Trico® is a product sprayed on trees, shrubs and plants to deter deer browsing, a term we think could not more inaccurately describe the destruction caused by deer! It is made using sheep’s fat, the smell and taste of which deer find disgusting.
What proof, other than anecdotal, is there that Trico works, you may ask! Well, the product has been extensively trialled. To read Trico® trials and studies, please click the articles below.
Trico: a novel repellent for preventing deer damage to ornamental shrubs
Trico North American Academic Trials, 2017-2022
Trico® European Trial Results
Forestry & Timber News Pesticides Notebook
Trico® is also approved by the British Deer Society.
The most common questions we get asked about Trico® here at PSP are:
- How does Trico work?
- How much Trico do I need to spray?
- How often do I need to spray?
- Is Trico a substitute for other methods of deer control such as culling?
- Is Trico toxic?
To find the answers to these questions, we have created a series of short videos. Watch below or visit our Repelling Deer with Trico® playlist on YouTube here.
Need more information, don’t hesitate to contact Malcolm who will be happy to run through any additional questions you may have. Email malcolm@prosprayers.co.uk or call 01273 400092.