Sprayers, powder and granule applicators and foggers for pest control

The control of rodents, wasps and other insects as well as disinfection against pathogens (e.g. viruses and bacteria) left behind by these pests  requires a variety of equipment. PSP’s range of products are designed to make professional pest control operations easier, safer and more cost effective. Like all our products, they have preservation of the environment front of mind, preventing damage to surrounding areas, species and plants by ensuring chemicals are only applied where they need to be and in the correct doses.

Pest control services are used extensively in both commercial and residential properties and facilities to get rid of and prevent the return of rodents, moles, woodworm and flying and crawling insects. They are particularly important in industries such as food manufacturing, food service, and hospitality where public health is of paramount importance.

In addition to the control of the pests mentioned above, we also offer the market leading deer repellent spray, Trico® which is proven to deter deer from browsing in garden, estate and forestry settings.

For street spraying or spraying large indoor areas against viruses and diseases motor powered backpack foggers can be the best option

Foggers and Nebulisers

Foggers and misters have a range of uses in pest control. They can be used to fog insecticides and pesticides over large areas so are particularly useful for infestations in large buildings such as warehouses, on buildings foundations, and in barns or large food e.g. fruit storage facilities.

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A backpack sprayer designed for extra comfort and manoeuvrablity

Backpack Sprayers

Backpack sprayers with their large assortment of accessories such as telescopic lances and dosing valves can be useful for getting pest controls into difficult to reach places and in accurate doses to prevent harming the surrounding environment.

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A medium sized compression sprayer for garden and household

Handheld Sprayers

Handheld compression sprayers come in a variety of sizes and offer a quick, easy and accurate means of spraying liquid pest controls.

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Granule & Powder Applicators

PSP supplies a range of innovative applicators which can distribute pest controls in powdered and granule form. Our range of equipment enables accurate doses to be delivered, preventing costly wastage and unnecessary harm to the surrounding environment.

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Trico® deer deterrent harnesses sheeps fat – or more specifically the smell of it – to repel deer from ornamental plants and trees and shrubs. Available in a Pro forestry version and a garden version, it is the safe and harmless-to-deer way to protect your plantings.

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PSP are the exclusive UK and Europe distributors of the Guarany brand of sprayers. We sell directly to the public and trade and are pleased to discuss trade accounts for contractors and other professional users. If you are a reseller interested in horticultural or disinfecting and cleaning equipment, please contact us for opportunities to sell the PSP range.