Controlled droplet application (CDA) sprayers offer an alternative way of delivering herbicides and pesticides to traditional backpack sprayers. This type of kit will only really be used in a professional…
Controlled droplet application (CDA) sprayers offer an alternative way of delivering herbicides and pesticides to traditional backpack sprayers. This type of kit will only really be used in a professional…
What do controlled droplet application (CDA) sprayers spray and what makes the Mankar sprayers different from conventional CDA sprayers? Very simply CDA sprayers generally spray neat, undiluted herbicides or pesticides….
It’s Japanese knotweed time again. This dastardly invasive plant is the scourge of many a building contractor and homeowner and, while there does appear to be some debate about how…
Did you know that green walls have a huge number of benefits, including providing habitats for insects? In a study by Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) scientists carried out over a…
Some people may have reservations about spraying neat glyphosate. This is understandable but, using the right kit, such as ULV/CDA sprayers, it’s far safer than spraying it diluted. Firstly, we…