We’re off to GroundsFest!
Yep, on 10th and 11th September at Stoneleigh Park in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, our spraying expert Malcolm Mullender will be showcasing all our innovative, clever, multifunctional manual spraying products and battery tools and our MD, Ivan Zytynski, will be giving a talk about weed control spraying in amenity settings.
Groundsfest, in its own words (visit its website here) is the largest annual, free must-attend event for grounds staff, greenkeepers, landscapers, designers & architects, gardeners, local authorities, estate managers and contractors. It combines indoor business and education opportunities with outdoor demonstrations. And, after an action-packed day at GroundsFest, you can unwind and continue networking at the unique live music festival! How good is that? Even better…..profits from GroundsFest are reinvested back into the industry to support education.
This is our first time exhibiting at GroundsFest and we are really looking forward to meeting the people at the coalface – the groundskeepers and landscapers and other professionals who are responsible for jobs such as weed control, pest control (deer in particular – do ask us about Trico®! ) and general maintenance.
We hope you will pop by and pay us a visit. We’re at Stand 2, Hall 1 and there will be lots of bits of kit to have a play with.
If you are responsible for weed control then don’t miss Ivan’s ‘Reducing Glyphosate in Amenity Settings’ on 11 September in the Seminar Theatre at 12.00 pm. Glyphosate usage is such a contentious issue (see our blog here) and we know that many organisations, including
local councils, are struggling to balance costs with the
the expectations of the public to keep thoroughfares and pavements safe to use and their fears about glyphosate usage. This week, Lambeth Council has been finding itself in hot water as residents rise up about the lack of ‘outdoor maintenance’. As well as the weeds running riot, being unsightly and making pavements unsafe, a Lambeth resident raised the issue of grass seeds embedding themselves in their dogs’ skin resulting in the need for surgery. The ramifications go beyond just the obvious! And now, of course, councils have to contend with paying for repairs as well as revisiting weed killing options. Go listen to Ivan and his sensible advice on a middle ground!
We’ll see you on the flipside.