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Hello 2023 and let’s get ready for some spraying!

By 23rd January 2023No Comments

We are steaming into 2023 with lots of new initiatives and innovative products such as the 4×4 Fire Firefighting Kit and the Nematode Spraying Kit as well as working on interesting new applications such as disinfectant spraying for equine facilities, vehicles and equipment and spraying against black mould.

Looking back on 2022, we saw growth, new partnerships, welcomed a host of new garden machinery dealers to our dealer network and had a refreshing amount of face-to-face interaction. Here are our top 5 highlights of 2022:

🎉1 – The launch of The Deer Repellent Kit: The PSP team were delighted to reveal a specialist kit designed to deter deer and protect against winter browsing through spraying products such as Trico®.

🎉2 – The Four Oaks Trade Show: PSP joined over 300 exhibitors at The Four Oaks Trade Show in creating an impressive showcase of international horticulture.

🎉3 – The BCTGA (British Christmas Tree Growers Association) Annual Competition: In addition to exhibiting, PSP were also thrilled to sponsor a new Innovation Award which was introduced to the categories at the BCTGA Annual Competition.

🎉4 & 5 – APF Exhibition: A proud moment for PSP with a selection of their products displayed on stands for Laronkarn Ltd & The Farm Forestry Co. Ltd, at the UK’s largest forestry, woodland, arboriculture, fencing & biomass show.