“It is clear, though, that there is now available a simple, quick and harmless deer deterrent for valuable plants in both gardens, nurseries and woodlands alike”.
So says the British Deer Society in its latest ‘Deer’ magazine (Winter 23/24 edition). As described in the magazine (see screen shots below), the Society tested Trico® forestry version on a one hectare plot of trees and shrubs in Suffolk where browsing from muntjac, water, roe and red deer had been a constant issue since planting in 2019-2020.
Spraying was carried out in early August and, during the course of the autumn, the plot was visited daily. “It soon became clear that browsing pressure on the sprayed side was significantly reduced,” the Deer Gear article reported.
Trico® is a completely harmless deer repellent based on emulsified sheep fat which deer will avoid as they find the smell and taste totally unappetising. The forestry version is a ready-to-use spray and can be applied using PSP’s Deer Repellent Spraying Kit. For domestic use or smaller scale spraying, Trico Garden® is available. This product can be diluted with water and applied using any handheld or backpack sprayer.
Read the Deer Society’s full report below.
For more information about how Trico works®, click here.